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KARMASATHI (Parijayee Shramik)

Welfare and Security Measures for Migrant Workers

The scheme has been designed for resolution of problems faced by migrant workers during their course of employment outside the state of West Bengal and provides various assistance as decided from time to time. Assistance include financial compensation on account of death, severe accidental injury and other assistance to mitigate issues related to wage, abuse, trafficking or exigencies like natural calamities and pandemic situation.

From the Desk of Chairman

Avanindra Singh, IAS


Labour Department
Government of West Bengal

Department of Labour, Government of West Bengal,
12th Floor, N.S Building, Block-A,
1, Kiran Shankar Roy Road,
Help line of Labour Department,
Govt. of West Bengal Shramik Sathi : 1800-103-0009
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